Heather is an art director with 19 years' industry experience

Case studies

Case studies

Briefing magazine • A digital solution

Global lockdowns have changed the way we interact with content as well as other people


Global lockdowns have changed the way that we’ve all had to work, and the team at Briefing needed a digital solution to the print edition of the monthly magazine, in both editorial and app form.


Having worked on the print version of the magazine for the past couple of years I had a good idea of the editorial’s clean, unfussy and forward-looking aesthetic already. One of the changes I needed to implement was changing the double page spread format to a single scroller for digital viewing, essentially designing single pages to be part of a cohesive multi-page feature. Further, the team had commissioned an app to be designed by the developers at PugPig and I helped to concept how that would look, designing promotional imagery for the App store, Google Play, Twitter and email, as well as the appicon itself.

The team

Client Briefing
App development Pugpig

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